Quote Directory - N
Vladimir Nabokov
Jerry Nachman
Ralph Nader
Azar Nafisi
Thomas Nagel
Ray Nagin
Matt Nagle
Parminder Nagra
Mohammed Naguib
Ajay Naidu
Sarojini Naidu
Jimmy Nail
V. S. Naipaul
Mira Nair
John Naisbitt
James Naismith
Kathy Najimy
Hidetoshi Nakata
Joe Namath
Guru Nanak
Jack Nance
Gabriele Nanni
Fatos Nano
Fridtjof Nansen
Augustus Y. Napier
Grace Napolitano
Janet Napolitano
Graham Nash
John Forbes Nash
Johnny Nash
Ogden Nash
Steve Nash
Thomas Nash
John Forbes Nash, Jr.
Thomas Nashe
James Nasmyth
Hassan Nasrallah
Taslima Nasrin
Gamal Abdel Nasser
Ilie Nastase
George Jean Nathan
Daniel Nathans
Carry Nation
Andrew Natsios
David Naughton
James Naughton
Bruce Nauman
Dave Navarro
Victor Navasky
Yitzhak Navon
Martina Navratilova
Gloria Naylor
Nursultan Nazarbayev
Ednita Nazario
Alla Nazimova
Anna Neagle
Patricia Neal
Richard Neal
Kevin Nealon
Holly Near
Scott Nearing
Ralph Neas
Joseph Needham
Richard J. Needham
David Neeleman
Liam Neeson
Pola Negri
John Negroponte
Nicholas Negroponte
Jawaharlal Nehru
Marianne E. Neifert
Vince Neil
Sam Neill
William A. Neilson
Cynthia Nelms
Ben Nelson
Bill Nelson
Bob Nelson
Byron Nelson
Craig T. Nelson
Don Nelson
Gaylord Nelson
Graham Nelson
Harriet Nelson
Haywood Nelson
Horatio Nelson
Judd Nelson
Knute Nelson
Lord Nelson
Paula Nelson
Peter Nelson
Ricky Nelson
Robert Nelson
Russell M. Nelson
Ted Nelson
Willie Nelson
Petra Nemcova
Corin Nemec
Howard Nemerov
Enid Nemy
Cornelius Nepos
Kent Nerburn
Franco Nero
Pablo Neruda
Gerard De Nerval
Michael Nesmith
Eliot Ness
Benjamin Netanyahu
George Nethercutt
Beatrix, Queen of the Netherlands
Randy Neugebauer
Allen Neuharth
Richard John Neuhaus
John von Neumann
Bebe Neuwirth
Louise Berliawsky Nevelson
Tancredo Neves
Aaron Neville
Gary Neville
Richard Neville
Henry Newbolt
Simon Newcomb
John Newcombe
Michael Newdow
Bob Newhart
Ingrid Newkirk
Alfred Newman
Andrea Newman
Arnold Newman
Barnett Newman
Edwin Newman
Ernest Newman
Francis W. Newman
James Newman
John Henry Newman
Paul Newman
Randy Newman
Gavin Newsom
Joanna Newsom
Marc Newson
Jason Newsted
Helmut Newton
Huey Newton
Isaac Newton
John Newton
Juice Newton
Thandie Newton
Wayne Newton
Olivia Newton-John
Bob Ney
Phumzile Mlambo Ngcuka
Andrew Niccol
Chuck Nice
Ben Nicholas
Harold Nicholas
Nicholas II
Beverley Nichols
Dudley Nichols
Mike Nichols
Nichelle Nichols
Ben Nicholson
Jack Nicholson
Jack Nicklaus
Don Nickles
Stevie Nicks
John George Nicolay
Charles Jules Henry Nicole
Pierre Nicole
Claude Nicollier
Adela Florence Nicolson
Harold Nicolson
Jean Nidetch
Reinhold Niebuhr
Arthur C. Nielsen
Brigitte Nielsen
Connie Nielsen
Leslie Nielsen
Martin Niemoller
Friedrich Nietzsche
Earl Nightingale
Florence Nightingale
Bill Nighy
Vaslav Nijinsky
Dennis Nilsen
Birgit Nilsson
Harry Nilsson
Lennart Nilsson
Chester W. Nimitz
Leonard Nimoy
Anais Nin
Robert De Niro
Ruud van Nistelrooy
Ray Nitschke
Paul Nitze
David Niven
Larry Niven
Cynthia Nixon
Mojo Nixon
Pat Nixon
Richard M. Nixon
Tricia Nixon
Louis Nizer
Joshua Nkomo
Kwame Nkrumah
Yannick Noah
Anna de Noailles
Alfred Nobel
Alex Noble
Albert J. Nock
Kristi Noem
Lyn Nofziger
Isamu Noguchi
Christopher Nolan
Kenneth Noland
Emil Nolde
Gena Lee Nolin
Chuck Noll
Dorothy L. Nolte
Nick Nolte
Hideo Nomo
Peggy Noonan
Peter Noone
George Noory
Max Nordau
Denis Norden
Tenzing Norgay
Donald Norman
Edward Norman
Greg Norman
Jessye Norman
John Norman
Larry Norman
Marsha Norman
Grover Norquist
Chuck Norris
Frank Norris
George William Norris
Alex North
Douglass North
Dudley North
Edmund H. North
Gary North
Lord North
Oliver North
Thomas North
Jeremy Northam
Lord Northcliffe
James Northcote
Nancy Northrup
Anne Northup
Andre Norton
Caroline Norton
Charles Eliot Norton
Edward Norton
Eleanor Holmes Norton
Gale Norton
Graham Norton
Joshua A. Norton
Ken Norton
Mary Teresa Norton
Deborah Norville
Brandy Norwood
Charlie Norwood
Melita Norwood
Chris Noth
Alva Noto
Jean Nouvel
Henri Nouwen
Bob Novak
Kim Novak
Michael Novak
Robert Novak
Don Novello
Ivor Novello
Krist Novoselic
Jana Novotna
Alden Nowlan
Phillip Noyce
Alfred Noyes
Robert Nozick
Frank S. Nugent
Ted Nugent
Gary Numan
Gregory Nunn
Sam Nunn
Trevor Nunn
Louise Nurding
Rudolf Nureyev
Paavo Nurmi
Paul Nurse
Jim Nussle
Bill Nye
Edgar Wilson Nye
Michael Nyman
Laura Nyro